The undergraduate and graduate programs of the University are accredited and recognized by the Ministry of Education and Science. In accordance with the law of higher education in Bulgaria, accreditation is given by the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency at the Council of Ministers, certifying that the curricula and the quality of the training process meet the standards set by the state and the law.
The National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency is a statutory body for evaluation, accreditation and monitoring of the quality in higher education institutions and scientific organizations aiming at the enhancement of their teaching and research, as well as of their development as scientific, cultural, and innovative organizations.
The Agency monitors the ability of institutions, their main units and branches to provide good quality of education and scientific research through an internal quality assurance system.
National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency is full member of European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education – ENQA
National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency is full member of European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education – EQAR
- With Resolution № 794 by the Council of Ministers of the Peoples’ Republic of Bulgaria the Medical University – Pleven was established in 1974 as a branch of the Medical Academy of Sofia. In 1987 it becomes an independent Higher Medical Institute.
- With Resolution by the Accreditation council of the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (NEAA), Protocol №27 of December 17, 1998, the Higher Medical Institute – Pleven has a regular accreditation for educational qualification degree Master in Medicine.
- With protocol №7 of February 19, 2004 NEAA gives a positive evaluation to the “Project for transforming The Higher Medical Institute – Pleven into a “Medical University” and with Resolution by the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria of September 10, 2004 the Higher Medical Institute – Pleven is transformed into a Medical University – Pleven with two faculties: Medicine and Public Health.
- With Resolution by the Accreditation council of NEAA, Protocol №22 of July 12, 2007, the Medical University – Pleven receives a program accreditation for educational qualification degree Master in Medicine with the highest evaluation mark “very good” for a period of six years.
- The Resolution by the Accreditation council of NEAA, Protocol № 8 of February 28, 2008, gives a positive evaluation to the “Project for opening a Health Care faculty” for education in Nursing and Midwifery with educational qualification degree Bachelor.
- With Resolution by the Fortieth National Assembly of October 16, 2008, on the grounds of Article 86, paragraph 1 of the Bulgarian Constitution and Article 9, paragraph 2, section 1 of the Higher Education Act, a new faculty “Health Care” is established within the structure of the Medical University – Pleven. (State Journal, issue 92, 2008).
Rules for the Development of Academic Staff at MU-Pleven, (PL35-V07-27.07.2020)