General Information

Center of Post-graduate Training and University-Hospital Coordination

In conformity with the Rector’s mandate programme of our University some of the major priorities in the sphere of education are as follows:

Improving the control, management and the quality of post-graduate education:

maintaining a good normative base for proper management of the post-graduate training;

creating an electronic data base for all post-graduate students.

Improving the necessary equipment and renewing the existing computer facilities;

Improving the programmes of studies to approximate the European requirements and standards in the training process. The University policy should develop into the direction of admitting post-graduate students from member states of the EU, from the USA, Russia and many others;

Increasing the total number of enrolled post-graduate students.

In accordance with the resolutions of the Council of Ministers and the National Assembly for transforming our higher educational institution into University which ratified the new institutional structure in the period January-March 2005, changes have been performed within the structure and organization of the training process.

With Resolution of the Academic Council of MU-Pleven dated 13.05.2005 a Center of Post-Graduate Training and University-Hospital Coordination have been established with the status of independent unit which is directly subordinate to the Rector’s management.

The Center of Post-Graduate Training organizes and registers, coordinates and controls the post-graduate training which should be performed at the clinical bases approved with official order by the Minister of Health of Bulgaria.

The post-graduate training has developed in three basic directions:
І. Highly-Specialized Activity /HAS/;
ІІ. Specialization Courses;
ІІІ. Continuing Specialization.