Post-Graduate Studies /Specialization Courses/

SPECIALIZATION COURSE means mastering the necessary skills and knowledge of a basic medical specialty from the List of Specialties in the Healthcare System according to a curriculum and programmes of studies and it finishes after successfully passing an examination performed by the State Examination Board. The programmes of studies are approved by the Minister of Health and they are integrated for all medical universities within the country. The basic document which arranges the terms and conditions for performing and financing a training course for acquiring the professional rights of a medical specialty in the healthcare system is Ordinance No. 34/29.12.2006. One cannot be simultaneously trained to acquire more than one specialty. The training to acquire a specialty in the healthcare system aims to teach the post-graduate medical student the necessary theory and practical skills in the respective specialty which comprises a separate part of the medical science and practice. The state examinations for specialty are held annually and are conducted in two exam sessions: from 1 to 31 May and from 1 to 31 December. In order to be enlisted for the exams the medical graduates submit application forms from 1 to 31 January for the exam session in May and from 1 to 31 August for the exam session in December.
The Ordinance No. 15/15.07.2008 is the basic document which arranges the terms and conditions for acquiring a Specialty in General Medicine by physicians without any other specialty or by those having other specialties and having founded a dispensary for primary medical help.
The post-graduate education of medical graduates and graduates of other higher courses of training is organized and controlled by the Center of Post-Graduate Training and University-Hospital Cooperation.

List of Specialties and Terms of Acquisition in the Healthcare System for which Medical University – Pleven is the training base