Students' Office


Student's Office

1 “St. Kl. Ohridski” str.

Medical University – Pleven

5800 Pleven

Tel no: 064 884 237 – For information about all the specialties at the Faculty.

064 884 118 – For the specialties of Medical Rehabilitation and Occupational Therapy.

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Staff Members:

Staff Members:

Nadya Gachevska – Head of the Student's Office – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; tel no: 884 237

Ralitsa Koleva – Inspector of education – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; tel no: 884 237

Emilia Leskova - Experts of education –  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; tel no: 884 118

Desislava Milanova – Experts of education - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; tel no: 884 237


  • The Student's Office at the Faculty of Public Health is a basic structural unit which works in collaboration with the Student's Office of the Faculty of Medicine in order to assist the functioning of the Educational Department of the University.
  • The Student's Office at the Faculty of Public Health performs specific activities regarding the organization and management of the training process, offering administrative services to the students in all the specialties of the Faculty.

In order to achieve the educational goals of the University and the Faculty, the Students’ Office of the Faculty of Public Health employs the following basic framework:

  • Organization and fulfillment of students’ candidate campaign for all the specialties of the Faculty of Public Health;
  • Thorough organization of the educational process and preparation of the syllabuses and examination schedules;
  • Organization and updating of the entire educational documentation as well as offering administrative service to the students of all the specialties at the Faculty;
  • Conducting regular research and analysis of the opinions of the students and their future and current employers, regarding the organization and the quality of the educational process and the level of preparation of the specialists in regards to the employers’ requirements.


In order to function efficiently, the Student's Office is divided into two separate units, based on location:

  • The first unit performs the routine activities regarding the administrative services to students and the organization of the educational process. It is located in the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Public Health (in the Rectorate Building 2, floor No:3, room No:310). Students from all the specialties of the Faculty can receive administrative guidance there. For information and inquiries, telephone number: 064 884 237.
  • In order to facilitate the educational process and for the sake of convenience for lecturers and students from the specialties of Medical Rehabilitation and Occupational Therapy, the second unit of the Student's Office was established  in the Rectorate Building 1, floor No:3, room No: 309. For information and inquiries telephone number: 064 884 118.

Administrative services:

The experts at the Student's Office at the Faculty of Public Health offer administrative guidance to the students from the Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes at the Faculty of Public Health: Health Care Management, Medical Rehabilitation and Occupational Therapy and Health Management, performing the following activities:

  • Organization and realization of the enrollment of the newly-admitted students;
  • Enlisting students into a higher year of their studies;
  • Preparation of students’ books and university ID cards and submitting them for signature by the Dean;
  • Preparation of the examination of protocols according to the exam schedules of the students’ groups and courses;
  • Issuing of certificates, academic transcripts and any other documents reflecting the student’s status, submitting them for signature by the Dean, Vice-Dean or Rector;
  • Preparing a report each month to be presented at the Educational Department of the University with the names of all students who are subject to health insurance by the higher educational institution and a report with all the students who have interrupted their studies, those who have left the University or the newly-enrolled ones;
  • Accepting all kinds of request forms or complaints, preparing the reference and processing them in order to be submitted to the Dean or Vice-Dean of the Faculty or the Rector for consideration and resolution;
  • Writing the diplomas of the graduated students and the appendixes to them.