Department of Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation
General Information:The Anesthesiology unit was established as a separate department in 1974 - OARIL. It is one of the first independent departments of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive care.Department of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care was established in 1991. Since 1996, Head of the department has been Prof. Radko Nikolov Radev, Ph.D. The scientific and academic staff of the Department includes one Professor and six Assistant Professors of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive care. Members of the Department provide education for the students from Medical University - Pleven and the medical colleges as well as trainee-doctors and post-graduate students. The education of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive care for medical students is done according to a curriculum, focusing on issues, concerning Anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care. The sixth-year course 'Emergencies in Medicine' is included as a subject in the state pre-graduation internship of doctors. The research activities of the staff in the department are focused on a wide range of problems: aspiration syndrome; antimicrobial control in reanimation conditions; water-electrolytic and alkaline-acid disorders; acute respiratory failure; post-operative analgesia; pathobiochemistry of diseases in terms of anesthesiology and intensive medicine; acute pancreatitis; laryngeal mask; anesthesia and trauma resuscitation; thermal damage; breathlessness and drowning, organ donation and transplantation; acute blood loss, etc. Dissertation works: Д-р Б. Таблов - „Приложение на НСПВС за предоперативно обезболяване в гинекологията” |