Проф. Георги Петров Алтънков дбн.

Изследовател /Професор

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Трудов стаж:

Дати (от-до)

•  Име и адрес на работодателя

Дейност или сферата на работа


    11/2021 г. понастоящем


    Изследовател /професор


Дати (от-до)


01.01.1984 г. и понастоящем



•  Име и адрес на работодателя



Инситут по Биофизика и Биомедицинско Инжернерство (ИББИ) БАН  гр. София


Дейност или сферата на работа


тъканно инженерство, стволови клетки, клетка-матрикс взаимодейстрвия, биоматериали, нановлакна


Заемани длъжност


• , н. с., ст.н.с I ст., професор, ръководител секция, зам. директор по науката,

понастоящем Асоцииран Член на ИББИ – БАН


Дати (от-до)


04/2007 - 12/2018 г..


Име и адрес на работодателя


Институт по Биоенжинерия на Каталония, Барцелона, Испания


Дейност или сферата на работа


·   тъканно инженерство, стволови клетки, клетка-матрикс взаимодейстрвия,  биоматериали, нановлакна


Заемана длъжност


·   IKREA Research Professor

·   Ръководител секция “Molecular Dynamics at Cell Biomaterials Interface’


Дати (от-до)


01.1984 г. до 04/2007 г.


  • Име и адрес на работодателя


 • Институт по Биофизика БАН


  • Дейност или сферата на работа


 • биофизика, кл.биология, кл.адхезия, взаимодействия на клетки с ЕЦМ, биоматериали, биосъвмесимост


Заемани длъжности


·        Главен асистент 1984-1990 г.)

·        Н.с. II ст. - доцент (1990-2004 г.)

·        Н.с. II ст. - професор (2004-понастоящем)

·        ръководител секция „Клетъчна адхезия (2004-2007 г.)

·        Зам. Директор по Науката (1999-2001 г.)


Дати (от-до)


 1999 год.  до 2001 год.


Име и адрес на работодателя


GKSS Research Center, Berlin, Germany


Дейност или сферата на работа


Взаимодействие на клетки с биоматериали, биосъвместимост.


Заемана длъжност


Гост Професор




Дати (от-до)


 1995 год.  до 2001 год. (ежегодни научни визити)


 от 1982 год.  до 1996 год.


Име и адрес на работодателя


GKSS Research Center, Berlin, Germany.


·   Национален военен университет „Васил Левски” – Велико Търново.


Дейност или сферата на работа


Биоматериали и клетъчна биосъвместимост.


·   Изчислителна техника; Образование, в това число техника и технологии, изчисли­телна техника, компютърни технологии, повишаване квалификацията на кадрите в областта на компютрите и компютърните технологии.

 • Заемана длъжност


·   Гост учен


·   Главен инженер на изчислителен център;

·   Асистент, Старши асистент, Главен асистент;

·   Ръководител на научно-изследователска лаборатория по микропроцесорна техника;

·   Ръководство и участие в теми по научно-изследователската дейност.


Дати (от-до)


 1990 год.  до 2004 год.




Име и адрес на работодателя


Southwestern Medical Centerl at Dallas, TX., USA


 от 1976 год.  до 1982 год.


Дейност или сферата на работа


·   Биоматериали и клетъчна биосъвместимост.


·   Национален военен университет „Васил Левски” – Велико Търново.


 • Заемана длъжност


·   Post-dok


·   Управление на военни подразделения и техника, Електронно изчислителна техника, Електроавтоматика, Военна техника и технологии.


Образование и обучение:

Медицински Институт Варна                      1966 -1972            Лекар хуманна медицина

                                                                            1984 г.            Кандидат на медицинските науки

Институт по Биофизика БАН                            2004 г.            Доктор на Биологическите науки

Организация на международни конференции




·        NATO ARW “Nanoengineered Systems for Regenerative Medicine” Varna,Bulgaria, Sepт 21-24,2007.                          


·        17th Europen Conference on Biomaterials (Barcelona) Sept. 11-14, 2002

  • 2nd IBEC Symp. Bioengineering and Nanomedicine Barcelona, Apr.14-15,  2009
  • 3rd IBEC Symp. Bioengineering and -Nanomedicine Barcelona, June.1-2,  2010
  • 1st World Congres on Nanomedicine (Beijing, China) June 1-2, 2010
  • 2nd World Congres on Nanomedicine (Shenzhen, China) Nov.
  • 1st Biotechnology World Congress, Dubai, February 14-15, 2012

Технически умения и компетенции

Работа с компютри, със специфично оборудване, машини и др.


·  Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

Публикационна дейност, Други умения и компетенции



·   h-индекс (индекс на Хирш) - 36

·   Научни публикации – над 120 в международни списания, 1 книга и 5 глави от книги,  6 патента

·   Цитирания: 3751 (Google Scholar 2021)

Участие в научно-изследователски проекти



Опит в ръководството на Европейски проекти за последните 10 години:

FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IAPP (2013-2017) –FIBROGELNET– “Network for Development of Soft Nanofibrous Construct for Cellular Therapy of Degenerative Skeletal Disorders” (n° 324386) (Coordinator) Total costs of 950.000 Euro

MAT 2015 – 69315 –C3 (2015-2017) - MYOHEAL - Muscle regeneration after injury. Engineered biodegradable ion–loaded scaffolds to promote muscle regeneration. Collaborative Project funded by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Principal investigator) Total costs 70 000 Euro.

MAT2012-38359-C03-03 (2012-2014) –HELINSINERGY– “Material-driven Fibronectin Fibrillogenesis to Engineer Synergistic Growth        Factor Microenvironments“ funded by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Principal Investigator) Total costs of 50.000 Euro

EuroNanoMed project FP7 (2012-2014) –STRUCTGEL– “Nanostructured Gel for Cellular Therapy of Degenerative Skeletal Disoerders” (Coordinator) Total costs of 752.239 Euro

EULANEST-037 (2010-2012) (European Latin American Network for Science and Technology) -FIBROGEL- “Bioinspired Nanofibrous Gel for Tissue Engineering of Cartilage and Bone” (Coordinator). Total costs of 312. 650 Euro




Списък на научните публикации и патенти за последните 10 години


  1. Komsa-Penkova R., Stoycheva S., Tonchev P., Stavreva G., Todinova S., Georgieva G., Yordanova A., Kyurkchiev S., Altankov G. Morphological and Quantitative Evidence for Altered Mesenchymal Stem Cell Remodeling of Collagen in an Oxidative Environment—Peculiar Effect of Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate. Polymers 2022, 14, 3957. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym14193957 (IF 4.207).
  2. Komsa-Penkova R, Stavreva G, Belemezova K, Kyurkchiev S, Todinova S, Altankov G. Mesenchymal Stem-Cell Remodeling of Adsorbed Type-I Collagen-The Effect of Collagen Oxidation. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Mar 11;23(6):3058. doi: 10.3390/ijms23063058. PMID: 35328478; PMCID: PMC8953637.
  3. Laura Ramalho, Salima Nedjari, Roberto Guarino, Firas Awaja, Dencho Gugutkov, George Altankov Fibronectin/thermo-responsive polymer scaffold as a dynamic ex vivo niche for mesenchymal stem cells Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine (2020) 31:129, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10856-020-06461-y
  4. Gonzalez Garcia, C.Cantini, M., Ballester-Beltran, J., Altankov, G.and Salmeron-Sanchez, M. (2018) The strength of the protein-material interaction determines cell fate. Acta Biomaterialia, 77, pp. 74-84. 

(doi:10.1016/j.actbio.2018.07.016) (PMID:30006313)

5.      Ikonomov O, Altankov G, Diego Sbrissa D, Shisheva  A (2018) PIKfyve inhibitor cytotoxicity requires AKT suppression and excessive cytoplasmic vacuolation Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, Volume 356, 1 October 2018, Pages 151-158

  1. Guillem-Marti J, Boix-Lemonche G, Gugutkov D, Ginebra MP, Altankov G & Manero JM (2018) Recombinant fibronectin fragment III8-10/polylactic acid hybrid nanofiberenhance the bioactivity of titanium surface, Nanomedicine Accepted for publication:Published online:22 March 2018: 10.2217/nnm-2017-0342

7.      Nedjari S, Awaja F & Altankov G (2017) Three Dimensional Honeycomb Patterned Fibrinogen Based Nanofibers Induce Substantial Osteogenic Response of Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Scientific Reports, 7, 15947 doi:10.1038/s41598-017-15956-8

8.      Maria Valeska Bianchi, Firas Awaja and George Altankov (2017) Dynamic adhesive environment alters the differentiation potential of young and ageing mesenchymal stem cells, Materials Science & Engineering C, September 2017, 78, 467-474

9.      Hristova-Panusheva K, Keremidarska-Markova M, Altankov G, Krasteva N. (2017) Age-related Changes in Adhesive Phenotype of Bone Marrow-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Extracellular Matrix Proteins, Journal of New Results in Science (JNRS) 6(1) 11-19

  1. Gugutkov D, Awaja F, Belemezova K, Keremidarska M, Krasteva N, Kuyrkchiev S, Gallego Ferrer G, Seker S, Elcin AE, Elcin YM and Altankov G (2017) Osteogenic Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells using Hybrid Nanofibers with Different Configurations and Dimensionality, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A (in press) DOI: 10.1002/jbm.a.36065
  2. Gugutkov D, Gustavsson J,  Cantini M, Salmeron-Sánchez M  and Altankov G ( 2017) Electrospun Fibrinogen/PLA Nanofibers for vascular tissue engineering, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 11, 10, 2774-2781
  3. Forget J, Awaja F, Gugutkov D, Gustavsson J, Gallego Ferrer G, Coelho-Sampaio T, Hochman-Mendez C, Salmeron-Sánchez M, and Altankov G (2016) Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Toward Quality Cartilage Using Fibrinogen-Based Nanofibers Biosci. 2016 vol 16(9) 1348-1359
  4. Mingyan Zhao, George Altankov, Urszula Grabiec, Mark Bennett, Manuel Salmeron-Sanchez, Faramarz Dehghani & Thomas Groth (2016) Molecular composition of GAG-collagen I multilayers affects remodelling of terminal layers and osteogenic differentiation of adipose-derived stem cells, Acta Biomaterialia Vol 41, 1 September 2016, Pages 86–99 published on line: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actbio.2016.05.023
  5. Nuno Miranda Coelho, Virginia Llopis-Hernández, Manuel Salmerón-Sánchez and George Altankov (2016) Dynamic Reorganization and Enzymatic Remodeling of Type IV Collagen at Cell Biomaterial Interface, In “Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology: Enzymes Mechanisms and Dynamics: Insights from Experimental and Computational Methods (Hr. Hristov Ed) - 105” ELSEVIER | S&T Book Production, Chennai.
  6. Keremidarska, M., Gugutkov, D., Altankov, G. and Krasteva, N. (2015) Impact of electrospun nanofibres orientation on mesenchymal stem cell adhesion and morphology. Comptes Rendus de L'Academie Bulgare des Sciences, 68 (10): 1271-1276.
  7. Toromanov G, Gugutkov D, Gustavsson J, Planell J, Salmerón-Sánchez M, & Altankov G (2015) Dynamic Behavior of Vitronectin at the Cell–Material Interface, ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng., 1 (10), pp 927–934.
  8. González-García C, Cantini M, Moratal D, Altankov G,  Salmerón-Sánchez M (2013) Vitronectin alters fibronectin organization at the cell–material interface, Colloids Surf. B: Biointerfaces, 111, 618–625.
  9. Gugutkov D, Gustavsson J, Ginebra M-P and Altankov G (2013) Fibrinogen nanofibers for guiding endothelial cells behavior, Biomater Sci, 1, 1065-1073.
  10. Coelho NM, Salmerón-Sánchez M and Altankov G (2013) Fibroblast remodeling of type IV collagen at biomaterials interface, Sci , 1, 494-50
  11. Perez RA, Altankov G, Jorge-Herrero E, Ginebra M-P (2013) Micro- and nanostructured hydroxyapatite-collagen microcarriers for bone tissue-engineering applications. J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 7, 353-361Hide Affiliations *
  12. Virginia Llopis-Hernandez, Patricia Rico, David Moratal, George Altankov and Manuel Salmeron-Sanchez (2013) Role of Material-Driven Fibronectin Fibrillogenesis in Protein Remodeling, BioResearch Open Access, 2(5) 364-373. DOI: 10.1089/biores.2013.0017
  13. Pecheva E, Pramatarova L, Hikov T, Hristova K, Altankov G, Montgomery P and Hanawa T  (2012) Electrodeposition of Hydroxyapatite-Nanodiamond Composite Coating on Metals. Interaction with Proteins and Osteoblast-like Cells (Chapter 11), In: Electrodeposition: Properties, Processes and Applications, Surya Mohanty (Ed.) ISBN 978-1-61470-826-1. Hide Affiliations *
  14. Nuno Miranda Coelho, Cristina González-García, M. Salmerón-Sánchez and George Altankov (2011) Arrangement of Type IV Collagen on NH2 and COOH functionalized surfaces, Biotechnology&Bioengineering 108, 12, 3009-3018
  15. Hristova K, Pecheva EV, Pramatarova LD, Altankov G (2011)The interaction of osteoblast-like cells with apatite-nanodiamond coatings depends on fibronectin, J Mater Sci Mater Med, 22, 8, 1891-1900
  16. Perez R, Del Valle S, Altankov G, Ginebra M-P (2011) Porous hydroxyapatite and gelatin/hydroxyapatite microspheres abtained by calcium phpsphate cement emulsion, J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater, 97B, 156-168.
  17. Nuno Miranda Coelho, Cristina González-García, M. Salmerón-Sánchez and George Altankov (2011) Arrangement of Type IV Collagen and Laminin on Substrates with Controlled density of –OH groups, Tissue Engineering,Part A Sept, 17-18, 2245-2257.
  18. Dencho Gugutkov, Cristina Gonzales-Garcia, George Altankov and Manuel Salmeron-Sanchez (2011) Fibrinogen Organization at the Cell-Material Interface Directs Endothelial Cells Behaviour, Bioactive and Biocompatible Polymers, 26, 4, 375-387
  19. Nuno Miranda Coelho, Cristina Gonzales-Garcia, Josep A. Plannell, Manuel Salmeron-Sanchez and George Altankov (2010) Different assembly of type IV collagen on hydrophilic and hydrophobic substrata alters endothelial cells interaction, European Cells and Materials, 19, 262-272.
  20. Pramatarova LD, Krasteva NA, Radeva EI, Pecheva EV, Dimitrova RP, Hikov TA, Mitev DP, Hristova KT and Altankov G (2010) Study of detonation nanodiamond – plasma polymerized hexamethildisiloxan composites for medical application. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 253, 012078.
  21. Shastri V P, Altankov G and Lendlein A (2010) Editors “Advances in regenerative medicine: Role of nanotechnology and engineering principles”, Springer Nederlands.
  22. Altankov G, Groth T, Engel E, Gustavsson J, Pegueroles M, Aparicio C, Gil F J, Ginebra M-P and Planell J A (2010) Development of Provisional Extracellular Matrix on Biomaterials Interface: Lessons from In Vitro Cell Culture, In: Advances in Regenerative Medicine: Role of Nanotechnology and Engineering Principles (eds. Shastri VP, Altankov G and Lendlein A) Springer Netherlands 19-43.
  23. Groth T, Liu Z-M, Niepel M, Peschel D, Kirchhof K, Altankov G and Faucheux N (2010) Chemical and physical modifications of biomaterial surfaces to control adhesion of cells. In: Advances in Regenerative Medicine: Role of Nanotechnology and Engineering Principles (eds. Shastri VP, Altankov G and Lendlein A) Springer Netherlands 253-284.
  24. Planell J A, Navarro M, Altankov G, Aparicio C, Engel E, Gil J, Ginebra M-P and Lacroix D (2010) Materials surface effects on biological interactions, In: Advances in Regenerative Medicine: Role of Nanotechnology and Engineering Principles (eds. Shastri VP, Altankov G and Lendlein A) Springer Netherlands 233-252
  25. Manuel Salmeron-Sanchez and George Altankov (2010). Cell-Protein-Material interaction in tissue engineering, Tissue Engineering, Daniel Eberli MD PhD (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-079-7, INTECH (Available at: http://sciyo.com/articles/show/title/cell-protein-material-interaction-in-tissue-engineering).
  26. Georgi Toromanov, Cristina González-García, George Altankov, Manuel Salmerón-Sánchez (2010) Vitronectin activity on polymer substrates with controlled OH density, Polymer 51, 2329-2336.
  27. Pegueroles, M, C. Aparicio, M. Bosio, E. Engel, F.J. Gil, J.A. Planell, Altankov Spatial organization of osteoblast fibronectin matrix on titanium surfaces: Effects of roughness, chemical heterogeneity and surface energy (2010) Acta Biomaterialia 6 291–301.
  28. Gugutkov D, Cristina Gonzalez-Garcıa, Jose Carlos Rodrıguez Hernandez, George Altankov and Manuel Salmeron-Sanchez (2009) Biological Activity of the Substrate-Induced Fibronectin Network: Insight into the Third Dimension through Electrospun Fibers, Langmuir 25, 10893-10900.
  29. Gugutkov D, Altankov G, José Carlos Rodríguez Hernández, Manuel Monleón Pradas, Manuel Salmerón Sánchez (2009) Fibronectin activity on substrates with controlled –OH density, J Biomed Mater Res Part A 92, 322-331.
  30. Patricia Rico, Jose Carlos Rodrıguez Hernandez, David Moratal, George Altankov, Manuel Monleon Pradas and Manuel Salmeron-Sanchez (2009) Substrate-Induced Assembly of Fibronectin into Networks: Influence of Surface Chemistry and Effect on Osteoblast Adhesion, Tissue Eng. Part A, 15, 11, 3271-3281.
  31. Kostadinova A, Seifert B, Albrecht W, Malsch G, Groth Th, Lemdlein A, Altankov G (2009) Novel polymer blends for the preparation of membranes for biohybrid organs. J Biomat Sci Polym Edn 20(5-6): p. 821-39.
  32. Kristin Kirchhof, Kamelia Hristova, Natalia Krasteva, George Altankov, Thomas Groth (2009) Multilayer coatings on biomaterials for control of MG-63 osteoblast adhesion and growth, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 20, 897-907
  33. Altankov G., T. Vladkova, N. Krasteva, A. Kostadinova, I. Keranov (2009) Preparation of protein repellent PEI/PEG coatings and fibronectin reorganization study on the coated surfaces, Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 44, 4, 333-340.
  34. Gustavsson J, Altankov G, Errachid A, Samitier J, Planell J, Engel E (2008) Surface Modifications of Silicon Nitride Based ISFETs for Cellular Biosensor, J Mater Sci: Mater Med 19 (4) 1839-1850.
  35. Keranov I, T Vladkova M, Minchev, A Kostadinova and G Altankov (2008) Preparation, characterization, and cellular interactions of collagen-immobilized PDMS surfaces, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 110 (1), 321-330.
  36. Engel E, Del Vila S, Aparicio C, Altankov G, Asin L, Planell JA and MP Ginebra (2008) Descerning the role of topography and ion exchange in cell response of bioactive tissue engineering scaffolds, Tissue Engineering Part A, 14 (8) 1341-1351.
  37. Manara S, Paolucci F., Palazzo B, Marcaccio M, Foresti E, Tosi G, Sabatini S, Sabatino P, Altankov G, Roveri N (2008) Biomimetic hydroxiapatite coating electrochemically deposited on titanium plate, Inorganic Chimica Acta 361 (6), 1634-1645.
  38. Maneva-Radicheva L, Ebert U, Dimoudis N and Altankov (2008) Fibroblast remodelling of collagen type IV is altered in contact with cancer cells, Histology&Histopathology 23, 833-841.



  1. Manev V, Maneva A, Altankov G, Maneva L, “Device for Extracorporeal Sorption of Carcino-embryonic Antigen”, BG Patent No 66184 B1, 2011
  2. Jankova K, Altankov G, Ulbricht M, Gunnar J and V. Thom, “Biocompatible material with novel functionality”, European Patent Application WO 0215955, 28/02/2002
  3. Altankov G, Dimoudis N. “Autodegradable microcarriers and their use” European Patent Application PCT/EP98/06715, 21/10/
  4. Serdev N, Altankov G, Brodvarova I, Tomov N “Method for coverage of wounds with epithelial cells” BG Patent No 51904/1993.
  5. Altankov G. “Method for preparation of protein-coated gelatine microspheres”, BG patent (INRA) No 83394/18/03/1988
  6. Altankov G, Popdimitrov I, “Camera for cell electrophoresis”, BG Patent (INRA) No 4349/05/05/1979.